Dark story of Gaslighting, abuse, retribution, and Hope. Based on real conversations with Willow a Hidden Person, and Richard who removes the so called ‘Pillars-of-society' who are blocking Willow's pathway to the therapy she will need to escape and recover. He’s aware of the consequences. However, had turned a blind eye and covered his ears to evil too often. It’s a risk he is going to take. Has no close family or friends for whose safety he’s concerned. His military service and work for the ‘Organisation’ add credibility to his account of the retribution he hands out.

Bella and Richard’s love story sprinkles some sunshine onto this dark tale. Bella is unaware, even when her husband disappears, of the retribution Richard is carrying out to stop Willows abusers. However, is aware he works for ‘The Organisation,’ but not who they are, or what he is paid to do!